2025 Devotionals "Everyday Gospel" - yearly daily devotion that covers a full Bible in a year Reading Plan.
Driver Needed - A driver with CDL is needed to help drive the church bus on Wednesday nights. If you are able to do so, please reach out to Dianne Hadsock.
Carver Connect Podcast - Discussing Family Devotions, Youth Challenges, Sermon Recaps and More. Available on Spotify. Scan the Church Link QR code for direct access.
Kingdom Weekend: Youth Community-Wide worship, fellowship, and games on January 24th - 25th. Grades 6th - 12th. If you haven't given Pastor Will t-shirt sizes please do ASAP!
Night To Shine 2025, February 7th Join us in making this year's event an unforgettable experience! Night to Shive, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, is a prom night celebrating people with special needs, and we need your help to make it extraordinary!
Extreme Bingo: Wednesday night, February 19th. Crazy rules and crazy prizes/
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