Carver Staff & Leadership

The staff and leadership here at Carver is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.

  • Philip Corbean



    Personal Statement: 

    "When I was nine, my grandfather taught me a valuable lesson as we were visiting my Aunt's gravesite. He pointed to a gravestone and told me that the important feature was not the epitaph, the name, of even the dates, but the dash. He told me that the dash represents the life a person led. I want my dash to represent a life that makes a difference to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ. This journey began on August 3, 1997 when I, a Senior in High School, repented and believed in Jesus as my savior and Lord. This day was the defining moment in my life and I have made the commitment by His power to conform myself to His likeness. On December 7th of that same year, God called me into His ministry. I am committed to His service and have prepared myself through my college and seminary education. My calling has developed a desire in me to make disciples through preaching and teaching from the pulpit, in the neighborhood, and to the ends of the earth."

    Ministry Background:

    "I have served churches in various roles as a Youth Pastor, Education Minister, Pastor, and Missionary. I have been the Pastor at Carver since September 1, 2010. Prior to coming to Carver, my wife and I had the privilege of serving with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in South Asia as church planting strategists targeting people groups who have never heard of Jesus. As a church, we continue to minister in South Asia through giving and short term trips."


    Doctor of Ministry Student, The Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.

    Masters of Divinity; The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY. 

    Bachelors of Science in Education; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.

  • Will WIley

    Associate PASTOR


    Personal Statement:

    “When I was a young child I found my self-worth in the things that I did or what I was able to accomplish. Through Church members investing their time, I was discipled as a young child and was drawn to Christ through the truths of the Gospel. During a study of Genesis 15, I realized that my belief and trust in God’s promises was all that was needed to identify who I was and what my worth was. Through college I developed a sense of calling to serve the Lord’s Church and to serve the Great Commission in any way I possibly can through teaching, preaching, evangelism, and prayer.”


    Ministry Background:

    “I have served several churches in supporting capacities before coming to Carver in June 2021. Prior to coming to Carver, I served in various youth ministry and Sunday School roles as well as serving in mission capacities with churches.”



    Masters of Divinity; The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY.

    Bachelors of Arts; Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.


  • Aaron Daniel

    Worship leader


    From a young age I was captivated by music. I learned how to play the guitar by the time I was 13 years old and then piano in college. It was through song and the grace of God that the Gospel found me and ignited a passion for leading the worship of God's people. God's command to his people, Colossians 3:16, is to sing a Gospel centered message that admonishes and teaches one another in wisdom. This is my focus. This is my calling.

  • Janet matis



    All my life I have been going to Church and I love serving the Lord. I am a member at West Green Church of God where I sing in the choir and am involved in their Ladies Ministry. I serve the Lord here at Carver as well and enjoy every minute of it!